6 s. The purpose of this document Is to provide guidance to community housing providers on how to maintain records and transfer data in accordance with the Contract Compliance and Performance Management Framework (the Framework). The data is collected to fulfill three purposes. First, information is collected to support the assessment of the compliance and performance of community housing providers with respect to the support provided under the Community Housing Agreement, including related support agreements. Reporting obligations are tailored to each supplier on the basis of agreements with FACS. Second, facS is required annually to submit data on the performance of the municipal housing sector to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW). The data are contained in the National Community Housing Data Tables and in the Steering Committee for the Review of the Government Service Delivery Report (ROGS). Third, additional information is also requested that can be used by KSTE to improve its knowledge of the delivery of municipal housing services and to enable CPC to better support and plan the sector. This document should be read in conjunction with the Compliance and Performance Management Framework for Community Housing Contracts (2014). This data is required for Commonwealth performance reporting and is included in Appendix F. The survey can be completed via the Surveys tab of the CHIMES supplier portal. Each question requires an answer. Vendors should not guess or estimate a response that cannot be verified with information from the organization`s own records.
The comment sections included in the online survey can be used to highlight gaps in suppliers` data management systems that may impede the accurate and complete transmission of requested data, or to provide general information on changes in reported figures from year to year. When completing surveys, it is essential that suppliers refer to the definition of terms in the glossary of Annex E.3.3 Annual Compliance Survey A small number of data elements that are not suitable for the data format at the unit-level dataset level will continue to be collected separately to meet the requirements for reporting compliance with contracts. . . .